I created my first Web site in July 1995, back in the early days of the World Wide Web. My pre-2020 UCLA based site is available via archive.org. This current version of my site covers some of the hobbies and subjects that interest me – Scale models, 3D printing, Astronomy embedded programming and of course, cats.
Astronomy has always been my passion. My first telescope was a 60mm refractor, a gift from my Dad on my 9th birthday. When I was 13, I ground and polished my first 6″ telescope mirror. It was a great experience! A few years later, I majored in Astronomy here at UCLA.
I’ve built scale models since I was 5 or so, with a hiatus during college. My Dad was an excellent modeller and I can only hope to be as good as him.
It can be a relaxing hobby – just putting a kit together is fun. Some subjects require research and planning and that is enjoyable and educational as well.
My involvement with 3D printing started in 2007, when I designed my first 3D object in Rhino3D. I have models on Shapeways and have done commercial work as well. I have both FDM and MSLA printers at home.
I started my career at UCLA in 1983, working for the Psychology department. I then worked for the UCLA Astronomy Department from 1986 to 1997. Not everyone gets the opportunity to work in a field that they love and it was indeed a fantastic career.
After Astronomy, I worked as a Programmer/Analyst in the Jules Stein Eye Institute at UCLA, then as the Information Technology Manager for the UCLA Department of Physiology. I finished my career working as a Service Assurance Engineer in DGIT, which is part of UCLA Health.
I retired in January, 2020. UCLA is a fantastic place to work!
I live in Los Angeles with my wife Lisa and our cats.

Updated October 24, 2020